announcement – COVID-19 – 22_03_20

Based on the new Joint Ministerial Decision that was published to the Hellenic Government Gazette No. 956 of March 21st, it was announced that all educational Institutions shall remain closed in terms of their educational operation until the 10th of April 2020. Therefore, the School’s educational premises shall remain closed as they have been until now. This is valid also for all excursions, educational trips to and from Athens etc.


Furthermore, today, the Prime Minister announced new drastic measures and restrictions to contain the coronavirus epidemic.

1)      All kinds of physical exercise are reduced to jogging and/or walking (1 or up to 2 people with the appropriate distance between them) and not in crowded areas.

2)      All visits to parks, beaches, marines are forbidden, these sites will be locked.

3)      All unnecessary mobility is to be avoided and in order to get out of the house people must have on them their identity card or passport and they must complete a specific form that can be downloaded from the site This specific form must be completed depending on the person’s destination by checking the relevant box (B1 -> pharmacy or appointment to the doctor / B2 -> supermarket / B2 -> bank / B4-> moving for family reasons or to help people in need / B5 -> moving to attend a ceremony / B6 -> physical exercise or taking a pet for a walk). The date and the interested person’s signature must be put on the form’s bottom. Alternatively, a blank page can be complete with the aforementioned data, or an sms can be sent to the number 13033, stating the reason for going out (1 to 6), and writing the person’s name and home address.


The penalty for failing to comply is a fine of 150 euros.

announcement – COVID-19 – 22_03_20.pdf

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