Digital Open Day – University of Applied Arts Vienna

Ενημέρωση σχετικά με ενημερωτική ημερίδα του University of Applied Arts Vienna, για τους/τις φοιτητές/τριες της ΑΣΚΤ που επιθυμούν να πάρουν πληροφορίες σχετικά με το Applied Arts είτε με σκοπό τη συμμετοχή τους στο πρόγραμμα Erasmus είτε όχι.


OPEN HOUSE 21 DIGITAL! University of Applied Arts Vienna.


All exchange students can go into the individual departments to get info first hand for their desired exchange studies.


Open House

  1. December 2021

10:00am – 06:00pm




At the annual Open House of the Angewandte, the University of Applied Arts Vienna, students, and teachers provide insights into the studios, workshops and give information about the study programs:

Architecture, Art & Science, Fine Arts (Photography, Graphics, Painting, Painting, and Animated Film, Site-Specific Art, Sculpture and Space), Stage Design, Cross-Disciplinary Strategies, Cultural Heritage Conservation and Management, Design (Applied Photography and Time-Based Media, Graphic Design, Graphics and Advertising, Fashion), Expanded Museum Studies, Experimental Game Cultures, Global Challenges, and Sustainable Developments, Industrial Design, Conservation and Restauration, Studies in Arts and Culture, Art Education, Media Art (Digital Arts, Transmedia Art), Social Design, Language Arts, TransArts-Transdisciplinary Arts, Doctoral Programmes (Natural Sciences, Philosophy, Technical Sciences) and Postgraduate Programs (Art & Economy; ecm/educating, curating, managing; Vienna Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights)

In December 2021, this will again happen virtually to allow potential students to find out about studying at the Angewandte, no matter where they might be residents, and thus to reach an even larger audience. We warmly welcome international applicants!

On the open day, interested people can inform themselves about all artistic studies as well as about admission, entrance exams, in Q & A sessions with teaching staff and experience some of the colorful variety of projects, artworks, and creative works at the Angewandte.

In short video contributions, which you can access via, we will present our study programs on 15th of December 2021 10:00-18:00 (CET).

Teachers and student advisors will give you all the information you need to know, and there will also be time for your questions.
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Office: Rosenbursenstraße 3 (Georg-Coch-Platz 2) | Room 010
Postal address: Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2

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