[Translation pending]

Rector Dr. Erato Hadjisavva, Associate Professor 42 Patision, 106 82 Athens TEL.: 210 3897 121 /2 Email: Vice Rectors: Vice Rector of International Relations and Extroversion: Ioannis Melanitis of Michael Associate Professor of the Department of Visual Arts [G.G.1174/31-10-2023 and 2341/519, May 24, 2024] email: +30- 6980807714 _______ Vice Rector of Academic Affairs: Konstantina Kotsiou of Nikolaos, Professor of the Department of Visual Arts [G.G. 519, May 4, 2024] _______ Vice Rector for Administrative Affairs, Student Affairs, Research, Innovation and Lifelong Learning: Konstantinos Velonis of Nikolaos Associate professor [G.G. 519, May 4, 2024] email: ____