KOSTAS IOANNIDIS / Associate Professor



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Kostas Ioannidis is Associate Professor of Theory and Criticism at the Athens School of Fine Arts. His essays have appeared in numerous scholarly volumes and journals. His publications include the books Contemporary Greek Photography (Σύγχρονη Ελληνική Φωτογραφία, futura & Thessaloniki Museum of Phtography, 2008) and Three at Sea (Τρεις εν Πλω, MIET, 2018) a book he co-authored with Emmanouela Kantzia. More recently he published the book An exquisitely hybrid art: poetics of photography in the late 19th and early 20th century (Μια “Υπερόχως Νόθος Τέχνη”: Ποιητικές της Φωτογραφίας. Τέλη 19ου- αρχές 20ού αιώνα, futura, 2019) with which he was awarded the State Award for Essay and Criticism (2020). As a Fulbright Scholar (2013) he has done research in the MoMA (NYC) and in the Rockefeller Archive Centre archives on the issue of Greek-USA cultural relationship during the Cold War. Over the past three years he has been conducting research on a body of photographs of prisoners held in the Smyrna Central Prison (1919-1922), a research he continued as a Fellow of the Clark Art Institute (USA) during the summer 2022. Ioannidis is the principal investigator of the research programme TECHNO-LOGIA and a member of the General Assembly of HFRI (Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation).

Curriculum Vitae

Email: kioannidis@asfa.gr



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